Monday, 4 October 2010


Pegasus dared. Flying against reason,
against restraints.
The dreamers rode his back
to freedom.


Deborah said...

Oh wonderful ... I loved it!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautifully laden with a sense of dreams and hope!

SouthLakesMom said...

And one can just imagine "where" or "what" freedom might be.

Well done! And your son is the cutest little guy!

Lenore said...

thanks guys! and cheers for the compliment on my little monkey!

Ellie Garratt said...

Fly, Pegasus. Fly! Loved it.

Peggy said...

...and fly away to your dreams!
Loved it!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Fly Away, Fly Away Home

Sylvia K said...

A true fairy tale! Terrific! Enjoy your week!


Anonymous said...

That's my good Pegasus! Wish I dared to fly like that :) - great MM!

Pat said...

Ooh, I want to hear the rest of the story...great beginning!

I like it.

Is Wales really that dark and wet? (" in deepest, darkest (and wettest) Wales.")

septembermom said...

Ooh, I'm intrigued too. Wonderful!

hope said...

Freedom on such a lovely animal must be extra sweet. :)

Ms.Daisy said...

Beautiful images brought to mind with this one! Good one!


Susan at Stony River said...

Holy cow - that's brilliant; it's what the picture was meant for. I love, love, love it.

Lenore said...

thanks everyone! And Pat, this IS a reason Wales is so green! :P

jabblog said...

How wonderful to have that sense of freedom - imagination untrammelled.