Friday, 22 August 2008

Fiction Friday--stolen object and OSI--seeds

An acorn I stole.

You can't steal an acorn, I can
hear you say. Oh, but you can, I would
answer. I know.

It belonged to an ancient oak, in the forest
on the mountain of the Sugarloaf. My nan
showed it to me, she said
the forest had once been people,
poeple who grew tired,
tired of the swiftness of life,
busy life no longer worth living. And
so they had stopped.

Stopped to listen to the wind;
stopped to protect their brothers with four legs, their sisters
with wings. They stopped to connect their roots
deep into Mother Earth.

That's what I wanted, to stop.

And so I took an acorn,
to swallow and become one of them.

And be connected.


The Countess said...

I actually had a similar experience when I was a wee little lass. I rationalized about stealing a flower in our own garden. Because it isn't mine, the garden owns it. Great post by the way, playful use of the prompt.

Anonymous said...

This has an absolutely lovely melancholy to it, almost like a "sigh" in words. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is very lyrical - something very enjoyable radiates from the language and rhythmn you've chosen. This week's challenge has brought out some interesting connections. "Stealing" to share, connect, have. . . Thank you.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the sense of connectedness in this poem.

Julie said...

A most readable response to the prompt. Your structure and your language are a simple joy.

SandyCarlson said...

The seed growing within you creates a wonderful image of connection and continuity and deep understanding. Thanks for this.

me ann my camera said...

This is most wonderful. I love the image of the protective forest that you have created with your seeds of inspiration and acorns of wisdom.

ann at Gaullimaufry Gleanings

Anonymous said...

What an enjoyable story and something we can all relate to.

Anonymous said...

this is a lovely collection of emotions, joy and awe and yearning...

sgreerpitt said...

I like the image of swallowing the acorn to become one...

Raven said...

I love every word of this. It's just exquisite and so full of love.

Anonymous said...

.."a lovely collection of emotions, joy and awe and yearning"_
"almost like a "sigh" in words"_
..many thanks for this..

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish I could be one with the forest, too. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could experience being a tree just by swallowing the seed! Nice poem.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love you imaginative take on the prompt seeds. NICE!

Tumblewords: said...

Ah, so very imaginative and creative. Love the idea of swallowing a seed to become 'one'.