Friday, 25 July 2008

One Single Impression--prompt 21--Rest

Breathing softly, his
hand clutching a favorite toy,
my son sleeps, I watch.


Anonymous said...

I watch_the context defines a mom_beautiful..many thanks..

Anonymous said...

Your poem took me back in time to when I used to watch my son nap. I was back in his room, next to his bed, hearing his soft breaths. Thank you.

Roswila said...

Raises lots of memories for me, too. Thank you.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This is about the only time a parent can rest. It brings a peaceful image to my mind.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it, he won't be little very long.Tuck this haiku into his baby book, why don't you?

SandyCarlson said...

You capture a beautiful moment here. God bless your beautiful child and you.