Friday, 25 July 2008

For Fiction Friday

The prompt was to create a character around an illness we've had or have, and (try) and make it humourous.

Once upon a time Anghared had strep thoat. For three days and three nights she lay in her bed, fevered. And seeing spots.

The doctor said they were a result of the fever. Drink more fluids and don't worry, my love.

But the spots, they wouldn't go away.

Anghared saw them on the bus; she saw them on the train. In the halls of university; at band practice. Even on her favorite stray moggy.

Why fight it, she thought.

In a weekend her outside became as her inside. Spotted dresses; spotted shirts. Spotted shoes; spotted dog. Even her flat was spotted; large spots on the walls, smaller spots on the duvet and shower curtain.

Anghared lived in a kaleidoscope of spots.

And she lived happily ever after.


Unknown said...

I love modern faerie tales... who is to say those spots weren't there before she became ill?

Anonymous said...

Spots. Very nice. Very very nice. This made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments on my Fiction Friday post. . . I just noticed from your bio that you're from caerphilly. . . I visited there once - September 1983. Walked through the castle as darkness was falling. I was worried the tower might do the same. Saw that you wrote about Saratoga, NY too. My dad brought me there when I was 9. He had a friend who was a trainer. Hopefully I'll see you again on Friction Friday.